St. Michael School makes use of several technological tools to stay in contact with our students and families, and to provide daily curriculum content. These platforms are the same ones the school staff employs for normal day to day communications and instruction with students, parents, and faculty/staff.
EMAIL - Email will be used (frequently via school messenger) for all school wide communications and announcements. Teachers will also communicate with students via their individual school emails. Please make sure your emails are up to date and correct.
ZOOM - Zoom video conferencing is being used by teachers across all grades to connect with their students face to face.
CLASS WEBSITES - Grades 3-8 have class websites which the teachers use to communicate assignments, projects, and general information. Parents and students should check them daily during the school week for news and information. They can be found here:
Mrs. Bartelheimer/Ms. Olson 3/4 -
Mrs. Murphy 5/6 -
Mrs. Blum 7/8 -
MATHLETICS - Mathletics is an engaging and fun online math program aligned with our mathematics curriculum, providing learners K-8 with the chance to put their skills to use.
SPELLING CITY - Spelling city is a K-12 game based learning site that offers engaging spelling and vocabulary activities.
PEARSON REALIZE - Used for grades K-6, Pearson Realize provides additional online Math support in conjunction with our current Math program, Envision 2.0 Students can access tutoring support, online tests, and instructional videos
ACCELERATED READER: Grades 2-8: Online opportunity for indepentdent literature reading at students reading level with online test. At this time during the Covid-19 crisis, the tests may be taken at home.
KHAN ACADEMY - Grades K-8 have access to the site for math support
STARFALL - Grades K-3 utilize this platform for online reading instruction as well as math skills.
ABC MOUSE - Preschool - Grade 3 can access reading instruction, as well as math, science and art programming on this platform.
LIZARD POINT- Grades 7-8th: Used for Social Studies. Interactive map quizzes to help you learn or study geography. Over 200 map quizzes on world countries, states, cities, rivers, flags and more.
PFLAUM—Grades K-8th—Online resources for religion activities.